
  • ISSA HPC 23

    ISSA Cleaning Show 2023

    See Hav­i­land Prod­ucts Company’s con­tract man­u­fac­tur­ing team on Tues­day, Novem­ber 14 through Thurs­day, Novem­ber 16 at the ISSA Clean­ing Show in Las Vegas at the Man­dalay Bay Con­ven­tion Cen­ter. HPC
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  • Screenshot 2023 03 27 at 9 54 29 AM

    Products Finishing Ask the Expert: Attention to Measurement

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  • Screenshot 2023 03 20 at 2 10 49 PM

    Wastewater Case Study: Foam Overflow

    Waste­water Case Study: Foam Overflow 
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  • HPC New Hires

    Haviland Products Company Appoints Sales Representatives

    Hav­i­land Prod­ucts Com­pa­ny (Grand Rapids, MI), a man­u­fac­tur­er and dis­trib­u­tor of spe­cial­ty and com­mod­i­ty chem­istry, recent­ly appoint­ed Ali­son Chock­ley, Ed Bar­riager, and Nicole Nye as south­east Michi­gan-based tech­ni­cal sales representatives.
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  • AK Meet the Team

    Meet the Team: Andrew Kanoza

    Name: Andrew Kanoza Role: Qual­i­ty Tech­ni­cian How would you describe Hav­i­land in 3 words? Grow­ing, Cul­ture, Adap­tive Tell us some­thing most peo­ple don’t know about you: I had long glorious…
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  • Isaac Vega HPC

    Meet the Team: Isaac Vega

    Name: Isaac Vega Role: HPC Tank Farm II Describe what you were like at age 10: I was shy, ener­getic, and enjoyed play­ing soc­cer Do you have a nick­name? My…
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  • Haviland Welcomes Vonn Schopp as HPC Director of Manufacturing

    A chem­i­cals man­u­fac­tur­er hired a new direc­tor for one of its port­fo­lio enti­ties. Grand Rapids-based Hav­i­land Enter­pris­es said Wednes­day, April 6, it hired Vonn Schopp as direc­tor of man­u­fac­tur­ing for…
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  • Screen Shot 2022 02 03 at 4 51 30 PM

    Haviland Hires Matt Osterhaven as VP of Finance

    Hav­i­land Release | Jan­u­ary 14, 2022 Hav­i­land Enter­pris­es, Inc., announced today that Matt Oster­haven joined its Senior Lead­er­ship Team as Vice Pres­i­dent of Finance. Oster­haven assumes the role pre­vi­ous­ly held…
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  • Haviland Release Under Control

    Hav­i­land Release | Decem­ber 7, 2021 At 6:54 p.m. today, local emer­gency per­son­nel respond­ed to a chem­i­cal release at Hav­i­land Prod­ucts Company’s man­u­fac­tur­ing facil­i­ty in Grand Rapids, Michi­gan. We can…
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  • Screen Shot 2021 10 25 at 1 08 45 PM

    Haviland Enterprises, Inc. Announces Promotion of Meg Post to President

    Hav­i­land Release | Octo­ber 21, 2021 Hav­i­land Enter­pris­es, Inc. announced today the pro­mo­tion of Meg Post to Pres­i­dent. Post will report to Mike Karasiewicz, CEO, and will work direct­ly with…
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  • PF TEST2

    Liquid Chrome Vs. Chromic Acid Flake

    In the face of increas­ing man­u­fac­tur­ing costs and more strin­gent fed­er­al reg­u­la­tions, com­pa­nies in the met­al fin­ish­ing indus­try are turn­ing to all-in-one” liq­uid addi­tives for their chrome plat­ing needs. By…
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    These 200-plus small businesses retooled, stepped up to help Michigan survive COVID-19

    In a wartime-like effort, the spring of 2020 brought busi­ness­es of all types and polit­i­cal lean­ings togeth­er against a com­mon enemy.
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  • Troubleshoot passivation inconsistencies, breaking down the process

    There are sev­er­al areas that can impact the per­for­mance of zinc and zinc alloy pas­si­vates and there­fore the pro­tec­tion they pro­vide which have noth­ing to do with the pH or…
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  • Happy National Surface Finishing Day 2021

    With­out the dec­o­ra­tive and func­tion­al coat­ings we apply to prod­ucts used across the globe, our world would be left to rust. Make sure the mate­ri­als in your life will be…
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  • Haviland Enterprises makes structural leadership changes - Grand Rapids Business Journal

    This new struc­ture and team expand the respon­si­bil­i­ty and account­abil­i­ty of these lead­ers while devel­op­ing col­lab­o­ra­tive syn­er­gies,” said Mike Karasiewicz, pres­i­dent and CEO of Hav­i­land. Ensur­ing align­ment through­out the organization…
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  • Haviland rolls out hard surface disinfectant

    Hav­i­land Enter­pris­es is pro­duc­ing a broad-spec­trum dis­in­fec­tant that can be used to kill the COVID-19 virus on hard sur­faces. The Grand Rapids-based chem­i­cal man­u­fac­tur­er said it is rolling out Rely+On…
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  • Plymouth Technology

    Chemical manufacturer producing ethanol-based hand sanitizer

    A local chem­i­cal com­pa­ny is work­ing to pro­duce and sell more than 100,000 gal­lons of hand san­i­tiz­er it is mak­ing from dena­tured ethanol. Grand Rapids-based Hav­i­land Enter­pris­es, work­ing with chemical…
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